Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Top ten rules

 10 rules for a peaceful life

1. Make friends
2.Be successful
3.Be kind
4.Be responsible
5.Be a ctr person
6.Be courageous
7. Have Pride
8. Work Hard
9. Create a goal
10.Be Honest
Image result for peace
Image result for peaceImage result for peaceImage result for peace
I chose these ten because throughout the different ones we learned I think they those were the best. I liked these for myself and I hope other people can use my 10 rules of peace. Peace is something important because it allows you to be a part of something all the time. Having good communication with others is good. I apply these rules in my life and I want to share them with others so they can have a peaceful life.

class evaluation

Class evaluation

Some things I liked about this class is that we had ctr card checks. I also liked it when we share and walk around to room because its good for stretching.  Things I liked about this class was that we learned of how people chose to do the right and we also used our phones during free time.I like sharing out to the class 
     This class I don't have nothing that I hated about it, this class was awesome.I like everything about it.
     Maybe the class could improve if we did projects with groups. I think it is fun and we communicate with our classmates more. I think we should also get stretching breaks because being on the computer a lot can get people tired. 
 A highlight for me in this class was that we used code. I learned a lot in that website and I think I have a little bit of experience in doing code.
  I think I did do my best in this class because I would do my work and turn it in on time. I enjoyed doing our classwork and would always finish it.
    Yes I am reading my goals daily and sometimes I share them with friends, I tell them a few of my goals. I like writing new goals when I come to this class because I feel comfortable. My friend Esme always tells me her goals and some are kind of boring but I support her.
     Yes , I am committed to be a CTR person. I will try my hardest to accomplish my goals.I will also try to make other people be CTR. 

Monday, June 5, 2017

10 top rules for success

     The top 10 rules for success by Steph curry

1.Visualize your goal
2. Be the hardest working person
3.Stay confident
4.Do it your way
5.Be creative
6.Stay in the moment
7.Better yourself everyday
8.Have an upbeat personality
9.Be the best version of yourself10.Actions speak louder than words
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I think these rules from steph curry are words that will inspire a lot of people. I will apply this to my life so I could try my hardest to achieve what I would like to do. This can help others as well for future basketball players. If you follow these rules you will become a successful person like curry. He followed these rules and is now a champ in the NBA. He worked hard and was a competitive person to get to where he is now. One of his rules is to visualize your goal, this is a good rule because first you want to think about what you want to do and what you have to do to accomplish it.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

10 rules for success by cristiano ronaldo

           Cristiano Ronaldo 10 rules
Image result for cristiano ronaldo
1.Just play competitive
3.always take on new challenges
4. know your priorities 
5.People will judge you
6. Work hard
7.believe you are the best for the team
9.enjoy the moments
10.have a sense of humor

Summary: I think these are good rules on being successful. You should always challenge yourself to do better. I will apply this to my life because this can help me become successful in what I want to achieve. This should be applied to everyone's life , it can encourage them to work hard and strive for what you want. Cristiano Ronaldo did not knew he was gonna become a famous soccer player, he started to follow his dreams.There is always going to be that person that will hate on you no matter what but that is not going to stop you. You have to work hard for what you want and always think positive about yourself